Deathly Hallows
yep. that's book 7 of the Harry Potter series. ive read it and yes, its the end of Voldemort. and yes, Harry is the last Horcrux but Voldy Moldy didnt know it. but im kinda disappointed sa epilogue. its sooooooooo... im at a loss for words. i cant describe my disappointment. eheheh
Draco Malfoy. of course, why would i forget my Draco. hehe. he didnt turn out bad after all. see?! he's just misunderstood. i just dont understand though why he named his son Scorpius... hmmmm... it would have been better if he was anmed Theophilus Thadeus Malfoy. hehehe... just kidding. maybe just Thadeus. Sean Matthew Thadeus Malfoy. ahihihihi. here i am again. i dunno whats the matter again.
im supposed to write something about the 7th book. Snape's dead. and my theories about him were correct. the theory about him being Bumlebee's man through and through, the theory about him feeling something for Lily Potter, & that he's a great teacher... remember what Harry told lil Albus in the epilogue?
deaths: Mad-eye Moody, Dobby, Lupin & Tonks, and Fred (awwww... play sad music here). i actually cried when Dobby died. hehehe. that part where Harry buried him. sooo drama, azzin. can we just skip this nalang?
Luna Lovegood. Neville Longbottom. and the rest of the DA... i cannot end this paragraph. my phone's beeping. my YM's buzzing again, and my pc's speakers not working. arrrggggggggghhhh!!! this calls for - uh- superman? hahahah. why is it that whenever im working, there are a lot of distractions? and whenever im not doing anything, THESE people dont even bother to text & say hi!!!!!!
okay. i'll skip the whole Harry Potter thing. i've been to the new wing in Ayala Center Cebu. there are a lot of new "cute" stores. but im not sure if they have Team Manila, though. sayang...
Artemis Fowl & The Lost Colony. you gotta read this. Artemis has twin brothers na... ang kyut. tapos dead na talaga si COmmander Julius Root. bad pixie... buti nalang wala si Opal Koboi dito sa book na to or else i'll make a really wicked ending for her.
the master of thinking isnt thinking again. hahaha. read this: "I am the master of thinking. fast or slow" - Artemis Fowl III
---Historical Geek Level 2---
"i am a dangerous pathway, tread not by many. a few succeeds to pass..."
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