Ultra Serpentine Legend...or Wizard =D
how do you start your day right? would you know if it would be in the dumps? how do you prevent yourself from becoming the troll that you can be? heehee. my computer crashed on me. my Jabber msgr timed out. aaaarrgghhhh!!! couldnt it be worse than this? i hate it. dont tell me i'll also see Umbridge later. i hate her. i hate seeing her.
why are some days like this? why do we have to experience BAD days? and what does this have to do with being the Ultra Serpentine Legend? or Wizard? i dont know. i dont want to know. i'm bored. 100% bored. yeah. and i hate it. this shouldnt be. it's supposed to be the end of the week. and most people will be gone. most people would be off to Hogsmeade. i'd rather stay here than go with them. it's not as if Hogsmeade will be on a vacation. hehehe. i can go there anytime i want. i can stay in the Slytherin Dungeon for hours without being bored. i dont even mind if i dont go out at all. the quidditch pitch would be ok once in a while. i just have to borrow Draco's broom {coz i dont have my own} heeheehee. i'd rather not ask Harry for his Firebolt. it's too special for him. hehehe. i dont mean to say that Draco doesnt think of his broom to be special. he can actually buy a new one. but he really doesnt have his whole heart on being the Seeker that he is.
i just saw Umbridge!!! even without my glasses!!! hahahahaha!!! she is sooooooooo visible even without her pink ribbon. wahahahaha... how much more if she dons it? well?
---another news flash!!!----
"A few times i've been around that track
So it's not just goin' to happen like that
Because i ain't no hollaback girl
I ain't no hollaback girl"
that's the line that's going on in my head. Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl. aside from the 2 others i mentioned yesterday. do i have to say them again? i hate to do that. i'm too lazy again. i dont know what's happening to me these days. i'm TOO lazy to do anything if i dont like it. i even have a homework in Charms that i havent finished yet. and Divination? i dropped the subject. just coz Draco dropped it, too. heeheehee. the only homework i finished are Snape's Potions and Mcgonagall's Transfiguration. those are the subjects i dare not flunk {shivers}.
---back to normal programming---